Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Two Front Teeth!

Well it has finally happened. Isa officially has two front teeth. She looks so cute with her little teeth sticking out. She is always playing with them with her tongue. She is sooooo dang cute!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Too many babes in this bed!!!

When we were growing up I remeber this poem my mom used to tell us I believe it goes like this:

There are too many kids in this tub

Too many elbows to scrub

I just washed a behind

That I'm sure wasn't min

There are too many kids in this tub

It always made me laugh because it was soooooo true, we had 7 kids for 1 bathroom (which we never fought over while getting ready right Britt?!). We now have a similar situation in Zoe's bed. Here is the list of things she is currently insisting on taking to bed with her (These are really the names she has given them):


Baby Doll

Cabbage Patch


Swiper Airplane

Dora Pa-Pack



Red Blanky

Pink Blanky

This is not to mention the books she pulls into bed with her, her pillow, and her actual blankets that go on the bed! This kid cracks me up!

Saturday, August 16, 2008




So we conquered the task of remodeling our bedroom! Woohoo!!!!! It looks awesome and I can't believe we did it all in 2 1/2 days. So here is the story to go with it. While we were remodeling we obviously couldn't sleep in there so Mike slept on the couch and I slept in the extra bed in Zoe's room. It was pretty ridiculous because I would sneak in after she went to sleep everytime so she wouldn't know I was there and this is why. I was so exhausted at this point from all the remodeling late nights that in the middle of the night Zoe woke up several times (as usual) and instead of me trying to get her back to sleep I shushed her. It went a little something like this: Zoe "ahhhhhhhhh mommy mommy ahhhhhhh", Me "shhhhhhhhhhh" , Zoe "ahhhhhhhh mommy mommy ahhhhhhhhhhh" , Me "shhhhhhhhhhhhhh" (thats where it all went wrong), Zoe "Get out mommy! Get out right now mommy! Get out!" I finally left and hung out in the kitchen in the dark at 4 in the morning for thirty minutes until she went back to sleep! AHHHHH! Well luckily I am back in my bed and the universe is once again at peace! Here are the pics of our room let me know what you think!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Yes we're alive and kickin' (Thats for all you cheerleaders out there)

So don't worry we did not fall off the face of the earth I have just felt so crazy busy the last couple of weeks. I finally have some time to recap and let you all know of what has occuppied our time! First off Isa. She is such a handful she rolls all over the place!
The North Dakota State Fair is held here in Minot so we made a day of it and enjoyed all of the festivities. They had a military appreciation day which gave us free lunch and some discounts on things so that was a lot of fun! They had a lady painting flags on kids at the lunch so naturally Zoe was all for that. We are as they say "Proud to Be an American"
Zoe got to go on a lot of rides and enjoy the heat. She had so much fun she was so upset when we told her that we were done for the day.
They also had a huge sand box for all the kids to play in with tons of toys, and a bubble machine that blew out hundreds of bubbles non stop all day.
Later that day Maddy came over and when she saw that Zoe was in the tub she couldn't wait to join her. They had so much fun I thought they were going to turn the whole bathroom into a tub!
Isa has turned into the funniest sleeper. We find her in all sorts of positions but here are a couple. My favorite part is that she put her paci in her mouth and that must have done the job because she is out cold!
Okay so we were a little late in the game at that whole kiddie pool thing but alas we finally got one! Zoe has a blast in it. We got her a cheap fishing pole at the dollar store and well all we ever hear is "I wanna wear my baby soup!" Don't worry that wasn't misspelled that is how she says it!
As some of you know I am now the big 26! I can't believe it myself but it is true. My birthday started out as just another day until I realized I had been slacking on my laundry and that it needed to get done so this is what I folded on my big day!
Mike threw me a birthday Luau and it was a ton of fun!! We had skewers of chicken and pineapple that were marinated and vegetable skewers that were marinated as well. All catered by none other than Mike himself. The food turned out really good and I think everyone had a lot of fun. Thanks to all those who were able to come. Mike and I have really been working out a lot check out the Abs on that guy!
Despite our requests our friends all came with presents which what can I say other than I was soooooo excited! This is a shout out to all those who came!
Mike got me an I-POD probably so I will stop stealing his. My mom also got me a double jogging stroller which I have been wanting for quite a while now. Its been so much fun because I have been able to take the girls roller blading everyday since I got it! Okay also as you can see in my picture that might be mistaken for Gisele I am modeling a beautiful hawaiian hat. Mike insisted that I wear this hat the whole night despite the fact that it didn't fit on my big head. So sad I know.
We have bee going to the Zoo a lot lately with our friends so here are some pics of that. Zoe and Maddy have so much fun together they just run, giggle, laugh and play the whole time!
Isa just enjoys being outside and as you can see she came for the stroller straps.
Last but not least check out these models. There favorite thing to do together now is to play dress up and do they ever dress up! I'll let the pictures do the talking!
Well so there you have it our crazy life for the past two weeks. Oh and also we are ready to paint the basement bedroom now and we have been out trying to pick out carpet. No pictures yet but I will post some when it is completely finished!