"I wanna bite" (at least once a day no matter what you are eating. This kid can eat)
"I can't do it anymore!"
"I can't find it anywhere!"
"Zoe hit me" (usually when Zoe is no where near her or she did something she shouldn't have)
"I wanna talk to Aunt Allee" (no lie Al she really does ask for you a lot)
"I wanna treat"
"I have princess teeth"
"I seben (seven)" (she usually says this to pick at Zoe because Zoe knows she isn't seven)
"Mommy I go poopies"
"Mommy I wake up. I open my door" (this sometimes happens at 3 in the morning)
"Neber, neber" (never, never)
My favorite thing however is when I am changing this little flexible girls diaper and she pulls her legs over her eyes and then pulls them to the sides and says "peek-a-boo". Seriously whoever taught her that is hilarious and it wasn't even me!
For her birthday we had the Sheltons over for some play time, homemade pizza, cake and ice cream. 

The kids all had a ton of fun eating the food and playing!

Isa loved her Minnie cake (made by yours truly I think it looked fantastic if I do say so myself and this my friends is without a cake mold).
When I brought it out Isa and Amelia both squealed minnie at the top of their lungs.
and a baby bed for her babies (this kid is totally all about the babies)
It was been a crazy two years but I wouldn't trade this little monkey for anything. Isa-beeps we love you happy birthday!