Thursday, April 24, 2008


This one is for all you moms of little girls. When the time comes that you have to decide at what age should we start wearing makeup, we believe we have found the answer...TWO!

As you can see demonstrated in the pictures above your best bet is to go with a royal blue mascara so as not to alarm anyone. This can most likely be found in one of your aunts old dressers in her room.

Also try and concentrate the mascara around the eyes, cheeks, lips, forearm and shin so you can maximize your beauty.

If this happens to wear you out, and it will because it does take a lot of work to look this beautiful, feel free to get some beauty rest.

Any questions, good!!


Heath said...

In the last one she looks like she's bleeding blue tears! I love it. So happy to get all the updates. BTW got your message. You called when I had my phone off so it didn't register caller id so give me your number-k-? Have a good one.

I am Laura said...

made me laugh out loud.

Mitchell Family said...

This is so cute! Savanna plays with my makeup but she has not mastered the openign part... until then we are safe!

Britt said...

I could hardly tell she was wearing looked so natural.