In 1969 there was a really bad flood here very similar to what you are seeing in Fargo. The National Gaurd was brought in along with some engineers and they widened and rerouted the river that runs through the center of town. (keep in mind the reason why the disaster with flooding here are so huge is that we are a farming state so most of our cities are developed around the rivers banks) They are distributing sandbags here at the public works building for precaution and we have seen some flooding but it was purely due to all the snow in our yards and not because of the river. Hopefully we will continue to only have localized flooding ie. basements getting water through the foundations. However to alleviate concerns you will be happy to know if it does flood here we will be safe.
Minot is basically built around a valley and two hills. Most of the houses are up on the hills while some do ly in the valley by the river. We are up on one of the hills and out of the flood plain. Keep our state in your prayers, people are going to need all the help they can get. Thanks for all your concerns!

Recent picture of Bismarck flooding.

Recent picture of Fargo flooding.

Picture from the flood of 1969 in Minot.