Friday, September 12, 2008


That felt good! So this week has been so crazy I don't even want to go there but I will say this as soon as my husband returns from code change I am demanding a raise. I don't think I get paid enough for the shenanigans I dealt with today.

I am currently watching another little toddler evey day along with my two girls which has actually not been too bad but man these girls are just tornadoes. I am constantly going from one mess to the other (if I weren't OCD about a clean house it probably wouldn't make me crazy but tell that to my alter ego). The worst happened at about 4 pm. I was on the phone with some customer service dude for travelocity (who by the way only spoke arabic or something along those lines because I understood very little this man said so I was very frustrated)

In the background I can hear Zoe but nothing that she is doing is really registering. I had set these little glue bottles on the counter earlier when I gave the girls some craft stuff so they wouldn't play with them. Zoe had gotten ahold of them and thinking they were lotion just lathered her body. When I finally realize it I held all my frustration in (I should have thrown them away earlier) and just put her in the tub filled it with water and bubbles and then went to answer the door.

Enter Maddy's Grandma ready to pick her up. After chatting with her for a minute a birthday suit Zoe comes in to tell me she pooped in the potty (those who have potty trained know how exciting this is) So I ran in the bathroom with her to find a little poop in the toilet which is obviously not where it originated since I can see smeared poop all over the tub, toilet and floor. I immediately tell Lerri I need to go and she left me to clean up. I cleaned it all up removed toys to be disinfected showered Zoe and went off to make dinner.

While I made dinner Zoe had a peeing accident so we changed that. We ate tomato soup and grilled cheese (daddy's not home so we call this dinner right now) and Zoe spilt it the tomato soup all over herslef. So we cleaned that up. While I was cleaning up dinner the phone rang again so Zoe who was in the other room comes running in minus her clothing to hand me a phone with the whole roll of toilet paper wound around one hand with poop smeared all over it and herself. We immediately returned to the bathroom to find poop smeared all over the toilet again!
So thats how I ended up here. Seriously its days like these when I seriously consider going to work and making Mike be a stay at home dad. Mostly just becasue Misery loves company though!

To end I would just like to say "I have a dream that one day" Zoe will poop only int he potty!


KTLADY said...

Oh my, Jen. You have my sympathy. You are a stronger woman than me. I don't think I would have made it to the making dinner part... let alone the fun events that followed. I can't wait until my kids can wipe their own bums clean. :)

The Schooley's said...

Ok, so I am sorry to say that I was laughing through your whole ordeal. Not that I am insensitive, but because the whole thing played out so perfectly in my mind, I just couldn't help it. You are a trooper. I would have probably lost it after the 1st poo incident. You are officially my hero Jen! Just sing the song, "The sun'll come out tomorrow...."

Britt said...

Now that's where you have gone really do not want to start dreaming about poop because that, sister, will make you crazy. Take it from an expert.

Sorry about your day.;(

Mitchell Family said...

Ok, so all I can do is laugh and I am really sorry about that but I laugh with you and not at you! I know EXACTLY!!!! how you feel. I have these same feelings daily when Josh is off at work all day with real grown-up people and I am stuck at home with little kids going crazy. We haven't ventured into the "poop" scene yet, but I am sure I have a few episodes that are equally as stressing! I love ya babe and all I can say is we will hang in there together! What do they say..."This too shall pass?"

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHA.... way to be specific. You have been telling that child for weeks to make sure she poops in the potty, well... she did :) Just in a round about, twist your words, kinda way :) I LOVE IT! Try to be a little more specific next time :)

Karina said...

that is only funny to me because i haven't gotten to experience that nonsense yet! i would just hire a maid and call it a day. HA!

Gonzalez said...

Ew! Scotts little brother did that to me while we were watching him so I said "Stockton, do not move!" Then casually came downstairs and said "Scott, Stockton wants you." What a sucker!

Heath said...

Oh Dear. Sometimes I really resent that I'm the mom and I can't pawn off the stinky shiz duties to someone else. WE HAVE NO CHOICE!!! Like you could leave it for Mike to deal with! Sometimes you just have to go to your own happy place and pretend like you're not cleaning up shiz.

Nikki said...

Oh. my. goodness. I would've come unglued. I'd have Danny on the phone begging him to send food for dinner. Or I'd possibly have locked the offending pooper in her room. Most likely, I'd have stuck her back in diapers and told Danny that he needs to take a week-long leave to train her. Yeah. That sounds good.

Just minutes before reading this, I was walking through our upstairs hall and came across a little brown pebble. I picked it up and immediately regretted my choice. Why the heck is a turd sitting in the middle of the hallway?!

Such is my life.

Jacy said...

Oh man, I've had days like those and they are a bummer! It's funny to read, but not so funny when dealing with it! Those are the days that I hand the kids off to their dad when he gets home and sneak away to watch a little Grey's Anatomy by myself in the bedroom.. until they come find me, AUGH!

Karina said...

hey, i can finally relate to your story. i put clover down for a nap and she wouldn't sleep. she just played in her crib so after awhile i finally went in the get her and the waft of stinky pooped filled the air. i looked into her crib to see smeared poop on her sheets,blanket, babies and her clothes. i guess she had had a bit of an explosion. i stripped everything down and threw her in the bath. aww, my first taste of toddlerville.